hookist1, Author at Hookist


Username: hookist1


Username: hookist1
hookist kudos
Check out the kudos our featured artists have given hookist1!
  • One of Each
  • Morgan Myles
  • darden smith
  • Beth Nielsen Chapman
  • Chris Barron

Morgan Myles commented on hookist1's lyric:


Lyric by hookist1:

"**Helpful Hint** Did you know that 98% of lyrics chosen to be a part of Hookist songs are 1 line or a couplet? It's a #collaboration, after all! And the chance to write THE BEST lyric you can write!"

darden smith commented on hookist1's lyric:

"Wow! Awesome! Thanks everyone."

Lyric by hookist1:

"It’s the last day of the year and the generous Peeps of Hookist Nation have donated $1035.75 to Darden’s charity SongwritingWith:Soldiers! You can, too! https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/WebLink.aspx?name=E343673&id=14"

Beth Nielsen Chapman commented on hookist1's lyric:

"I'm not sure what name folks have for what. I'm pretty sure and have said in several comments that it's starting to take shape as ABAB and it's essential that the syllables sing easily over the melody.

Getting some great lines that rhyme with "mind" but please note that the rhyme for that word will be the third line. The second line will be a diffent rhyme and NOT another "I" sounding vowel.

Great stuff! LOTS to go through but I'm reading every one and trying to prioritize my faves!


Lyric by hookist1:

"A MESSAGE FROM BETH: "I am looking for a COUPLET. In my Inspiration Video, I give you 4 options for the first half [of the couplet which is TWO lines long], and then YOU write the second half!""

Chris Barron commented on hookist1's lyric:

"this is rhythmically awkward.. devoid of imagery... maybe rethink this lyric."

Lyric by hookist1:

"Hey Gang! Just an FYI! Servers around the world today are doing a security update that should last 20-40 minutes, so if you are unable to access Hookist, please know it will only be for a short while and is expected. Get an iced coffee, stay cool and whip up another witty lyric!"

Morgan Myles commented on hookist1's lyric:


Lyric by hookist1:

"**Helpful Hint** Did you know that 98% of lyrics chosen to be a part of Hookist songs are 1 line or a couplet? It's a #collaboration, after all! And the chance to write THE BEST lyric you can write!"

darden smith commented on hookist1's lyric:

"Wow! Awesome! Thanks everyone."

Lyric by hookist1:

"It’s the last day of the year and the generous Peeps of Hookist Nation have donated $1035.75 to Darden’s charity SongwritingWith:Soldiers! You can, too! https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/WebLink.aspx?name=E343673&id=14"

Beth Nielsen Chapman commented on hookist1's lyric:

"I'm not sure what name folks have for what. I'm pretty sure and have said in several comments that it's starting to take shape as ABAB and it's essential that the syllables sing easily over the melody.

Getting some great lines that rhyme with "mind" but please note that the rhyme for that word will be the third line. The second line will be a diffent rhyme and NOT another "I" sounding vowel.

Great stuff! LOTS to go through but I'm reading every one and trying to prioritize my faves!


Lyric by hookist1:

"A MESSAGE FROM BETH: "I am looking for a COUPLET. In my Inspiration Video, I give you 4 options for the first half [of the couplet which is TWO lines long], and then YOU write the second half!""

Chris Barron commented on hookist1's lyric:

"this is rhythmically awkward.. devoid of imagery... maybe rethink this lyric."

Lyric by hookist1:

"Hey Gang! Just an FYI! Servers around the world today are doing a security update that should last 20-40 minutes, so if you are unable to access Hookist, please know it will only be for a short while and is expected. Get an iced coffee, stay cool and whip up another witty lyric!"

Chris Barron commented on hookist1's lyric:

"get it? i pretended it was a lyric..."

Lyric by hookist1:

"Hey Gang! Just an FYI! Servers around the world today are doing a security update that should last 20-40 minutes, so if you are unable to access Hookist, please know it will only be for a short while and is expected. Get an iced coffee, stay cool and whip up another witty lyric!"

Chris Barron commented on hookist1's lyric:

"...and critiqued it."

Lyric by hookist1:

"Hey Gang! Just an FYI! Servers around the world today are doing a security update that should last 20-40 minutes, so if you are unable to access Hookist, please know it will only be for a short while and is expected. Get an iced coffee, stay cool and whip up another witty lyric!"

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My Lyrics

hookist my lyrics written
  • Big Things Happening Soon!
  • Nathaniel Arcand
  • Morgan Myles!
  • Guitar Legend Gary Lucas
  • Jayne Sachs & Chris Robbins
  • Impossible Kings Song 2
  • Alex Boyé
  • Duwendé
  • The Springs
  • Morgan Myles
  • Community Song!
  • Darden Smith for SW:S
  • The Great Gary Lucas
  • Marti Dodson
  • Beth Nielsen Chapman
  • Clay Mills
  • Marty Dodson
  • The Sisterhood
  • Yashi Brown
  • Chris Barron - Spin Doctors
  • Community Collab
  • Grace McLean
  • The Holidays with CTD's Brad Roberts
  • Sylvia Tosun
  • Unite To Face Addiction
  • Peppy Castro
  • Mackenzie Morgan
  • Sasha Dobson
Big Things Happning Soon at Hookist! 1246
Big things happening at Hookist! Stay tuned!
Helpful Hint! We never know what Morgan is looking for, but we do see a pattern forming! All 3 lines of the chorus have 8 syllables total. They all start with 3 syllables that end with an -eeeee sound, and the 2nd half of each line has 5 syllables that end with words that rhyme with ---oooh! Just an idea to try or not! Up to you! :))
**HELPFUL HINTS** A. Morgan is looking for the 1st 1-2 lines of THE CHORUS. Since Hookist is a collaboration, if you submit more than that, she can't use it! But you can save your ideas to submit when we write the other parts of the song :) B. Choruses address the big message of the song or The HOOK - which is #MyLoveLetter in relation to Morgan's favorite quote - view it here. Hope that helps! https://www.hookist.com/morgans-meme/
Don't forget to spread the love! Vote, comment and invite your friends to vote for you! There are a ton of lyric ideas and you'll def want your name on The Charts to make sure Morgan sees your lyrical miracles! :)))
Helpful hint! Hookist is a COLLABORATION! So 98% of lyrics chosen are 1 line or a couplet! :)))
This song is now complete, but Jayne & Chris want to offer you a mini- masterclass! Ask them all your burning questions about songwriting here & they'll answer them in a live stream next Tuesday 10/4 at 7pm ET!
HELPFUL HINT: We're writing Verse 2 so watch the video above in the Winners Circle to hear the melody we're writing to! You can even count the syllables to match them! Can't wait to see your lyrical miracles!
HELPFUL HINT: Hookist is a collaboration so 98% of winning lyrics are one line or a couplet!
*We've got an UPDATE for you!* Alex has added Chorus 2 plus ReneeIrene's previous winning line as the Bridge! Now Alex would like you to add one last line to go with ReneeIrene's! If you've already submitted a lyric for this round, we will add a credit for each lyric so that you can tweak it to work or submit something new! As you know, the creative process is not always a straight line, but so sorry for the inconvenience! Can't wait to see your new lyrical miracles!
BONUS TIME 4U! Alex is going overtime in rehearsal for his show on 5/7 - where he will premiere OUR AMAZING SONG - so he will choose a new winning line TOMORROW! So write something EXTRA SPECIAL NOW! <3
Guys! Alex has decided to use Renee's line, that was originally meant for the chorus, later in the song - likely as the bridge! Stay tuned for it to re-appear in the Song-In-Progress!
**Helpful Hint** The lyrics that are chosen most often & that get the most votes & comments are one line or a couplet. It's a collaboration after all! ;~))
So guys! Turns out @Duwende would like us to write lyrics for THE BRIDGE now! So if you don't think a line you submitted already will work, let us know if you'd like to tweak it or we can delete and refund your credit so you can resubmit! Shoot us a note at info@hookist.com and we'll fix things up lickity split! So sorry for the inconvenience! best, mc & td
Helpful Hint! Be sure to watch The Springs video in the Winners Circle (above) after each new winner is announced. They give you direction on what they're looking for next! Right now, Stewart & Holly would like a line that references a time when our love birds were NOT together! :))
NEW DEADLINE TO SUBMIT! Monday at 11am CT (instead of 2pm). Can't wait to see your lyrical miracles!
*HELPFUL HINT* Oftentimes, when writing the 2nd couplet in a verse, loosely (or exactly) matching the number of syllables and where the emphasis falls with the FIRST couplet makes your line much more easily singable and easier on the ears! Just some food for thought! :)
**Friendly reminder** Lots of folks are doing it, but please only submit lyrics YOU wrote. JKruger1434 painstakingly crafted a beautiful lyric and deserves credit wherever it is written. If you want her line to come before of after your lyric, you can mention it in the comments below your lyric. But it is a violation of the Terms & Conditions that everyone agreed to upon sign up to submit anything under your name that you didn't write, and it will result in your line being deleted. We are so grateful you share your hearts and your art with us and we want to continue to treat each other with thoughtful care and respect. Thanks. M&T
**Helpful Hint** Did you know that 98% of lyrics chosen to be a part of Hookist songs are 1 line or a couplet? It's a #collaboration, after all! And the chance to write THE BEST lyric you can write!
Been trying to post in "Music Is A Convo" since Friday about the awesome musical ideas Hookist Nation has been submitting, but FB keeps deleting it! So we're posting here! Click on Hookist Nation Sings to the right (turn your phone sideways) to see videos from Pekkepop, Keith Curtis, TandFCHowes and MariaJack!
**QUICK UPDATE** The last "I'll carry you" in the chorus will lead us into Verse 2 and talking about the how, why, where or when Darden mentions in his Bonus Video, so don't feel like you have to repeat "I'll carry you" (for what would really be a third time in a row) to start your line - unless you really want to! And Darden is happy to hear other ideas, so nothing is wrong and everything is RIGHT! Woo Hoo!
BONUS 4U! Darden has a super cool new video with songwriting tips & a change up for you! Watch it in the sidebar! Your goal for Verse 2 is the same and we will change the chorus on Thursday with the new round!
You can hear Darden sing our GORGEOUS Song-In-Progress up to Keith's line in the sidebar to the right! If on a phone, turn it sideways! Enjoy!
**DEADLINE CHANGE** Darden will choose the next winning lyric TOMORROW Tues 1/7 5pm ET! Submit your best stuff now! For local times: https://www.hookist.com/deadline-darden-smith-for-sws/
It’s the last day of the year and the generous Peeps of Hookist Nation have donated $1035.75 to Darden’s charity SongwritingWith:Soldiers! You can, too! https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/WebLink.aspx?name=E343673&id=14
HELPFUL HINT: Hookist is a COLLABORATION so 99% of the lyrics chosen to be a part of our songs are ONE line or a couplet. They also get the most comments and votes! :))
**HELPFUL HINT: Verse 3 will lead into another round of Chorus 2, so that can be your guiding light! And remember, Gary is looking to end this song on a POSITIVE note! Also, try to match the cadence and syllables of your lyrics with Verse 2. Watch Gary's video in The Winners Circle above to hear him perform our gorgeous #SongInProgress to get a sense of the guitar part we are writing to!
Hey gang! Don’t forget to review the lyrics we already have so there aren’t too many repeated words or ideas! If you want to reference “stolen moments” consider coming up with a new way to say it so it packs a bigger punch! ?
Gary sends his love from Mexico! Check out his video in the Daily Deadlines & Updates in your mobile menu or next to the Song In Progress (turn your phone sideways ;~)
So many great lyrics, guys! We are so inspired by all of you! But don't forget to SPREAD THE LOVE! You know you appreciate feedback! Be sure to give some to get some!
**FRIENDLY REMINDER** Hookist is a COLLABORATION. 99% of the lyrics chosen at Hookist are one line or a couplet. They also get the most comments and votes. If we write ONE really GREAT line at a time, we will have a truly great COLLABORATION. Please watch Gary's video - he is looking for beautiful, poetic ideas that flow off the tongue. Clear, concise ideas with fewer syllables are usually the most powerful and are definitely easier to sing. Hope that helps! :)
**DEADLINE: Gary will choose the next winning lyric Monday 9/23 at 3pm ET (NYC)! Get your last lines in NOW! **Did you know you can get the Daily Deadlines & Updates (that appear next to Song In Progress on desktop) in the mobile menu at the top of the page on your phone or by turning it sideways? Check it out!
*** HELPFUL HINT*** Feel free to add punctuation or slashes so we can hear the cadence of your lyric the way you hear it! Gary is looking for something very specific, so definitely sing along with him a few times to get the rhythm in your head!
**Helpful Hint** Did you know you can find updates, deadline info and links to other features next to the Song In Progress on your mobile device by turning your phone sideways? You can also find them in the mobile menu under Daily Deadlines & Updates!
**HELPFUL HINT** Did you know 99% of the lyrics chosen to be a part of Hookist songs are one line or a couplet? They also get the most comments, feedback and likes! Think of it as your chance to craft THE PERFECT LYRIC!
Hey gang! Marti is in a pretty magical writing session today - check it out on our Instagram page @hookistmusic! So please hold tight! We will get her winner video up and out as soon as possible! Thanks so much for your patience! Cheers, M&T
Last Chance, Good Hookist Peoples! Marti will choose the last lyrics in our song tomorrow Tuesday 7/9! Deadline to submit: 8am #LosAngeles #Vancouver 10am #Nashville #Winnipeg 11am #NYC #Toronto 4pm #London 5pm #Stockholm 1am Wednesday 7/10 #Sydney
Congratulations Renee814 & Merilee! Big shout out to Joe Brow & kudos to everyone! There were SO MANY amazing lyrics to choose from! We do want to let you know that there were over 40 submissions about leaving things, feelings, people, etc. behind me, but Renee814's lyric is the one that resonated for Marti. In addition, there were several submissions extremely similar or even exactly the same as Merilee's, but Merilee submitted it first. Both these ladies are extremely talented, but they are also strategically smart. They write beautiful lyrics that they submit early and they are consistently at the TOP of The Charts, giving them extra visibility. Well done, everybody! Our song is going to be SPECTACULAR! You all blow us away each week! Thank you! M&T
Hey Gang! An important but friendly reminder! If you are including Ddubs's line (or anyone else's) in your submission, please be sure to credit him/them! You can use this format so it is absolutely clear: ["Every heartbeat reminds me" by Ddubs] your line goes here... We take your work very seriously and are dedicated to making sure everyone receives the credit they deserve. Thanks, M&T
Congrats to Steve, Lovie and Kayly! And kudos to everyone! You are all inspiring us to no end! We BEG you tho to watch Marti’s video in the WINNERS Circle! She’s looking for 6 syllables and BIG ideas - watch the video for more specifics! ;-))
Congratulations to Jayne Sachs, GT Edwards, SandyZee and Keith Curtis! What a gorgeous Song-In-Progress! Watch Marti's video in the Winners Circle (above - swipe if on a phone) for her direction for the next line! She is looking for ACTION! Check it out!
Hi Guys! Just a FRIENDLY REMINDER! Marti is looking for an internal rhyme in Line 3 (i.e., follow the rhyme scheme of line 1 - time/time) AND line 4 should end with a word that rhymes with 'now'. Watch Marti's video in The Winners Circle for more. We always recap in the credits so watch those, too!
Hey gang! You can now check out the lyrics Marti has voted for by clicking the link next to the Song In Progress (turn phone sideways) or use this link! https://www.hookist.com/martis-likes-phantasmagoricals/
Hi Gang! #Lastchance! Deadline to submit the FINAL CHORUS in the great Beth Nielsen Chapman's global #songwriting collaboration is Friday 5/17 10am CT! Submit you best chorus now! 8am #LosAngeles #Vancouver 10am #Nashville #Winnipeg 11am #NYC #Toronto 4pm #London 5pm #Stockholm 1am Saturday #Sydney
Hi Gang - Just want to let you know that there were many, many people who submitted MANY of the same lines or parts of the same lines as other people in this last round. We reviewed ALL lyrics that were even similar to the lines Beth chose and if the line was submitted EXACTLY as Beth used it, then the first person who submitted it that way won. If Beth used a variation on a concept, then the first person who submitted that concept won. So please feel assured that we reviewed every line and even double-checked. That said, the goal at Hookist is to submit UNIQUE and thoughtfully crafted lyrics. If you submit a lyric using the same common phrase that 20 other people submitted, then your chances of winning are significantly lessened, but more importantly, you are missing the opportunity to grow as an artist! Yes, great minds do think alike so people might mistakenly submit very similar things, and that's totally understandable. And fine-tuning is an important part of songwriting -- but is it more exciting to write a totally cool and unique line of your own or to win by tweaking someone else's totally cool and unique line? Just food for thought. Hookist was envisioned as an opportunity to stretch yourself and craft something really special and we hope you will feel free to do that. cheers, meredith & terry
Congrats, Gang! What a killer song we're writing! Next we write THE BRIDGE! See Beth's 1st line in The Song-In-Progress, then you write the next 3: Your line should be 5 syllables – end rhymes with ‘heart’/ Your line should be 5 syllables – end rhymes with ‘sight’/ Your line should be 5 syllables – end rhymes with ‘heart’. Watch Beth's video in the Winners Circle above for more!
Hey Gang! Beth has a big day tomorrow and so will choose new winning lines tonight! Deadline to submit: Midnight CT Mon. 5/6! Winner video in the morning! Sign up for email notifications on your profile page!
We've got a NEW VIDEO from Beth with a Deadline Update & Some Holiday LOVE 4U!! Check it out next to the Song In Progress! Turn your phone sideways or click Daily Deadlines & Updates in the mobile menu! Enjoy!
Did you know you can get Daily Deadlines & Updates next to the Song In Progress? (turn your phone sideways or click the mobile menu). We just added Golden Rules & FAQs! You asked and we delivered!
A NEW VIDEO FROM BETH 4U! Check it out next to Song-In-Progress (turn your phone sideways)! Beth gives some awesome songwriting tips & shares more insights into what she's looking for in our song! And she is super impressed with all you Fab Hookists! Rock on, guys!
BONUS TIME FOR YOU! Because Beth gave you the opportunity to write the entire section, she has decided to give you more time to do it! Be sure your words have the right # of syllables for the melody & remember that the passion & frustration is growing in this section! WATCH Beth's video in the Winners Circle for more direction! She will choose the next lines on Monday 4/22!
Congratulations to all the winners! And kudos to everyone! Beth has special instructions for the next set of lines, so please watch the video above in The Winners Circle (swipe if on a phone). The key points are reiterated in the credits of the video but you need to HEAR the melody, so PLEASE watch! :))
NEW FEATURE ALERT! You asked for it & we built it! You can now view all the lyrics you've ever written at Hookist on your profile page!! AND You can view all the lyrics OTHER HOOKISTS have written on their profile pages, too! Along with all the votes & comments they've received!
DID YOU KNOW...that you can check out the lyrics Beth has LIKED & Phantazzed? Click the link in the sidebar next to Song In Progress. If you're on a phone, turn it sideways or click Daily Deadlines & Updates in the mobile menu. Enjoy!
UPDATE FROM BETH: The song is starting to take shape as ABAB and it's essential that the syllables sing easily over the melody. I’m getting some great lines that rhyme with "mind" but please note, with this rhyme scheme, the rhyme for that word [mind] will be the third line. The second line will be a different rhyme and NOT another "I" sounding vowel. Also…the amount of syllables is critical to me once a melody is established although the melody can change in rare instances. Line 1: Well you’re never gonna change my mind - 8 or 9 syllables depending on leaving off “well” which is optional. Line 2: 10 or 11 syllables (new rhyme) Line 3: 8 or 9 syllables (rhymes with first line) Line 4: 10 or11 syllables (rhymes with second line) Great stuff! LOTS to go through but I'm reading every one and trying to prioritize my faves!
A NOTE FROM HOOKIST: Did you know that when Beth leaves a comment for you, you can share it on social media by clicking the blue arrow? And her comment also shows up on your profile page in the KUDOS section! Rock on!
FRIENDLY REMINDER: Don't forget to spread the love! Vote! Comment! Tell folks what you like about their lyrics! Thinking it thru will sharpen your skills & make YOU a better writer! Plus, Hookist is all about spreading good energy! So join us!
A MESSAGE FROM BETH: "I am looking for a COUPLET. In my Inspiration Video, I give you 4 options for the first half [of the couplet which is TWO lines long], and then YOU write the second half!"
FRIENDLY REMINDER! Definitely WATCH Beth's Inspiration Video above (you might have to swipe on mobile) bc Beth is looking for a couplet. She has given you 4 choices for the 1st half and you get to write the 2nd half!
FRIENDLY REMINDER! You asked & we listened! At your request, the default view for Lyric Submissions is now by Most Popular! BUT you can still view Most Recent by clicking the link at the TOP of Lyric Submissions!
A NOTE FROM HOOKIST: We LOVE to see folks collaborating and cheering each other on, but in an effort to avoid confusion and to abide by our Terms and Conditions, please only submit lyrics you wrote. If you want to collaborate on a line someone else has written, ask them if they are cool with it in the comments under THEIR lyric, and if so, submit your tweaks, changes & additions ALSO in the comments under THEIR lyric. That way, it keeps everything related to that line in one place and there can never be confusion as to who wrote what or how it evolved. Thanks so much! M&T
NEW FEATURES REMINDER! You asked & we listened! The default view for Lyric Submissions is now by Most Popular! And check out the lyrics Clay has voted for in the sidebar or in Daily Deadlines & Updates in the mobile menu — or turn your phone sideways!
NEW FEATURES ALERT! You asked & we listened! The default view for Lyric Submissions is now by Most Popular! And check out the lyrics Clay has voted for in the sidebar or in Daily Deadlines & Updates in the mobile menu (or turn your phone sideways).
Now we write the line IN BETWEEN Karly's & Steve's! Congrats, guys! Watch Clay's video in The Winners Circle (above) for more direction!
Isn't the anticipation exciting??? We can't wait either! Please stand by! Sign up for email notifications on your profile page, so you're 1st to know when we have a winner and a new video!
Did you know if you turn your phone sideways, you can see the Daily Deadlines & Updates that appear next to the Song In Progress on a computer? You can also find them in the mobile menu!
Did you know 99% of the lyrics chosen to be a part of Hookist songs are one line or a couplet? It's a COLLABORATION after all and your chance to craft really powerful one liners!
HELPFUL HINT: Check out The Winners Circle EVERY TIME Clay chooses a new winner! You need to watch each new video so you know what Clay is looking for in the next line. To find it, scroll up. If on your phone, swipe when you get to the Inspiration video :)))
Did you know that Hookist HOW TO at the top of any page or in the mobile menu on your phone will show you how Hookist works in 3 steps or a quick video?
Did you know that we LOVE to share your beautiful lyrics on social media? But lyrics with no photos look too sad and lonely! So upload a pic -- even of your cat! If you need help, email us! info@hookist.com!
Clay will choose the winning title tomorrow 3/14! Deadline to submit is 10am CT! So excited!!
Did you know that when Clay leaves a comment for you in the Lyric Submissions, it will also show up on your profile page, along with your lyric? WooHoo! You deserve to brag! Take a screenshot and share it on social media! And don't forget to tag @Hookist!
Did you know that Clay will always provide guidance for the next line in his video in the Winners Circle? And he'll record a new video each time he chooses a new line, and he'll share insights and maybe even SING our Song In Progress, so def check it out! :))
Now we write THE TITLE! Watch Clay’s video in the Winners Circle above for direction! Or click HOW TO at the top of any page or in the mobile menu to learn how Hookist works!
Now we write THE TITLE! Watch Clay's video in the Winners Circle above for direction! Or click HOW TO at the top of any page or in the mobile menu to learn how Hookist works!
GOAL: Write ONE unique, impactful and thoughtfully-crafted line or a couplet. Clay will choose a winner today at 3pm CT. Then we'll write line 2, building on line 1! Remember - it's a COLLABORATION!
Did you know that the more feedback you GIVE, the more feedback you GET? Everyone writes to us asking for feedback! Give some to get some! Spread the love, good people!
Did you know that you can see Daily Deadlines & other notices next to the Song In Progress on a computer or in the mobile menu on your phone? You can also see them if you turn your phone sideways!
New to Hookist? You can learn how it works real quick at HOW TO at the top of any page or in the mobile menu!
Did you know that 99% of lyrics chosen to be a part of Hookist songs are one line or a couplet? It’s a COLLABORATION after all. ???
***Question: Why so shy, guys? Spread the love! Say something nice to someone else! You know you like hearing it! And as Marty said: "Encouraging each other and supporting each other is a huge sign of maturity in a writer and a quality that makes others want to work with you."
***Did you know that when you see Marty's photo next to a comment bubble, it means... he's left a comment! And you should read it! Often, he offers guidance for the next line - like this: "The first line of the bridge takes what we have been talking about in the moment and starts looking toward the future with every day ending this way. Instead of saying more in the moment stuff, we are talking about where this moment is going to take them and what the future will be like with someone so rare. The new river is crossing over into the future and imagining what this amazing woman will do to his life going forward." Marty Dodson
Now we write the back half of The Bridge! Be sure to watch Marty's video in the Winners Circle above for Marty's notes and to hear the melody you need to write to! This is the last line so make it the best! :))
***Another Note From MARTY: The melody should be something like BA, ba, da, da, da, da, ba BA, ba, da, da, da, da. The upper case BA's are words that are emphasized and help for two beats. Those words should be significant words, not "the", etc. The syllable before the second BA is a pickup and could be a throwaway word.
**A Note From MARTY: Everyone, remember that on the bridge, we want to say something new and move the story along and not just say more of the same thing. My first publisher always said, "don't build a brige unless there is a river to cross". So, let's make sure we have something BIG to say that advances the story!
***Now we write THE BRIDGE*** Watch Marty's Winner Announcement Video in The Winners Circle (above) for his guidance on writing the next line and to hear the melody your words should fit! And look for a recap of Marty's notes at the end of the video!
Submit your best pre-chorus line by 2:30 CT today! Sign up on your profile page to be notified via email when Marty has named a winner -- and be sure to watch Marty's video in the Winners Circle to get his direction for the next line!
Did you know... you can watch a quick tutorial on how Hookist works at HOW TO at the top of any page or in the mobile menu on your phone? Check it out!
Be sure to watch Marty's video in the Winners Circle so you can hear him sing the melody and fit your words in it! And check out the guidance he left for Steve and Carol regarding the PRE-CHORUS which we're writing now above next to the chorus (turn your phone sideways to see it).
A Note From Hookist: Marty is looking for LESS poetic and more CONVERSATIONAL lyrics - things you would say everyday to your spouse. If you said your line out loud, would your wife wonder what you've been smoking? If so, it's too poetic ;~).
A Note From Hookist: Did you know that 98% of lyrics chosen by our featured artists to be a part of our songs consist of ONE really well-crafted line or couplet?
A Note From Hookist: Marty wants your line to fit his killer melody! Listen to it in the Winners Circle above!
Congrats to MariaJack for the gorgeous bridge & more congrats to Kiva Simova for the amazing hook that made The Sisterhood name you the Most Valuable Hookist! Great job!!
PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT! Yashi is reviewing your lines right now and we'll have a winner soon! Sign up for email notifications above at MY HOOK or watch for Yashi's new video in the Winners Circle!
Hey everyone! Put your QWERTY quills down and stop submitting lyrics. Yashi is making her selection(s) now. Stay tuned for the announcement in the Winner's Circle and Video. Sign up for notifications to find out first!
PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT! Yashi is reviewing your lyrics and we'll have a new winner SOON! Watch for the new winner video or sign up for notifications at MY HOOK above!
Hey Gang! Hope you're enjoying the holiday weekend (if its a holiday for you;~)! yashi is looking for more lines from the perspective of the person recognizing that someone else is in pain! She will be back on Monday to choose the next line! So watch her video & have at it! Can't wait to see what you come up with!
PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT! Yashi is reviewing your lyrics and we'll have a new winner SOON! Watch for the new winner video or sign up for notifications at MY HOOK above!
Yashi is reviewing your lyrics at this moment! PLEASE DON'T SUBMIT until you see the winning lyric in the Song In Progress or sign up at MY HOOK to receive an email notification!
Chris Barron is in da house! Please do not submit till you see a new lyric in the Song In Progress or you receive your winner announcement email! Sign up for them at MY HOOK above!
Get your last lines in! Just got the word that Chris Barron will start reviewing in the next 15 minutes! Say 7:30pm NYC time!
We've got a new songwriting tip today from our favorite music man, Chris Barron! This one is about IMAGERY! Check it out, then craft your next line accordingly! https://www.hookist.com/songwriting-tips-from-spin-doctors-chris-barron/
Hey Gang! Just an FYI! Servers around the world today are doing a security update that should last 20-40 minutes, so if you are unable to access Hookist, please know it will only be for a short while and is expected. Get an iced coffee, stay cool and whip up another witty lyric!
Chris WAS reviewing your lyrics but got an urgent call from the Good Prince! He needed some kryptonite, so the polls are back open & Chris will choose a winner this evening NYC time!
There's a SATURDAY BONUS VIDEO from Chris! Check it out in The Winners Circle above!
Chris has made his decision, but the God of the Interwebs has absconded with the video – STAY TUNED! Hope to have it for you shortly! Sorry for the inconvenience – we’re chomping at the bit, too!
Stop the presses/submissions!! We have a start to the bridge! Video and announcement in an hour,
Voting & subnissions are ending at 2:30 today so you all have a couple more hours to get them in!
We've got a winner! Announcement coming soon!
Loving all this teamwork and collaboration! Announcement coming soon!
We're tallying the votes now! Next round starting soon! Please hold your fire!
Oops, sorry folks. Ghost in the machine. Ray's winning line from last night was somehow omitted from the Song In Progress, so please ignore the new round that was just created when we added it. All your lyrics sumitted since last night will still count towards todays round. Sorry for the inconvenience!
It seems the drone had to make an emergency pit-stop & we might have to wait till tomorrow to find out who won! So the polls are still open! We’ll keep you posted!
Oops, Sorry gang. Ignore the Next Round indicator. We're still writing Line 3. Ghost in the machine.
To all you beautiful Hookists out there! We know this collaboration is a little out of the ordinary, and we just wanted to let you know that, while the pace is a tad slower than you are used to, there are THRILLING and MIND-BLOWING opportunities popping up all over the place and that is what is slowing things down! We will have some BIG NEWS for you later today and we will hopefully also have a new verse based on the submissions you have already sent! Thank you so much for your patience! You guys always put your heart into what we do at Hookist, but you have really done something special with this round for ?#?UTFA?. Your amazing lyrics have actually caused all this excitement and we think the news we have to share with you will make you very happy (cross fingers, of course)! So sorry to be mysterious, but it will all be worth it! Thank you all so much! xo, Meredith & Terry
UPDATE FROM HOOKIST: Kasim and Paul have been checking in and scrolling thru the lyrics this whole weekend! There are so many great ones! And you are all putting so much heart into it! But we're still looking for that one that is truly ANTHEMIC! It will help to simplify your ideas and your language. Words with lots of syllables are often hard to sing. And take Kasim's advice and make sure your lyric fits in with the melody. Click the LISTEN button to hear it. The music you need to match starts right at the beginning. Rock on, guys! You can do it! Thank you so much!
TIP FROM HOOKIST: We're now writing Verse 1, so take a listen to the Music Template (click the big gray button above that says LISTEN) and make sure your lyrics fit into the music that plays right from the beginning til 00:24. Try to SING it with the melody! If you can't, chances are Kasim and Paul won't be able to either. It helps to simplify your lyrics and just write 1-2 lines that have very clear ideas. Thank you all so much! Rock on!
You guys blew us way! Due to overwhelming response Paul and Kasim want another day to make sure they've got the right line for the music we've been working on! Tomorrow we will have our first line!! We promise! Thank you so much for your patience! The love and heart you've put into this already is so exciting!
Sorry for the confusion folks, a new round was generated prematurely. This round which is the start of the Chorus submissions comes in after Sarah's question.
We're getting down to the wire! Sasha will choose the next line tomorrow and we should be done this week! Get your lines in now!

This modal has video
