sboyer33, Author at Hookist


Username: sboyer33
hookist kudos
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  • One of Each
  • Marty Dodson

Marty Dodson commented on sboyer33's lyric:

"I like this imagery a lot!"

Lyric by sboyer33:

"It all started with those tore up and faded blue jeans You consumed me like a lit match next to gasoline"

Marty Dodson commented on sboyer33's lyric:

"I like this imagery a lot!"

Lyric by sboyer33:

"It all started with those tore up and faded blue jeans You consumed me like a lit match next to gasoline"

Song Stats

My Lyrics

hookist my lyrics written
  • Marty Dodson
It all started with those tore up and faded blue jeans You consumed me like a lit match next to gasoline

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